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Children's roller skates - varieties and nuances of choice

Children's roller skates - varieties and nuances of choice

Roller skates for children are a great way to introduce your child to sport. Roller-skating exercises almost every muscle in the body: leg, arm, back and abdominal muscles. It develops coordination an...

How to choose inline skates

How to choose inline skates

Inline skates or rollerblades give a lot of pleasant emotions and health benefits. It is a full-fledged aerobic workout and a great alternative to going to the gym. At the same time, roller skates are...

Freestyle Scootering described

Freestyle Scootering described

Freestyle scootering or sports riding on trick scooters What kind of sport is it, what tricks can be done on a scooter and which scooter is suitable for this? Performing tricks on a scooter has grow...

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